Monday, November 29, 2010

Styrofoam Cone turns Christmas Tree.

Here is the promised craft idea I teased about a few days ago. Thanksgiving hit and of course the Christmas fever happened causing me to disappear a few days. Many decorations were put up and some shopping was done to help avoid the last minute shopping stress. Hopefully that doesn't happen.
To the project...
Styrofoam Cone turns Christmas Tree

Supplies Needed:
Styrofoam Tree (Any size works)
Yarn (to wrap the styrofoam with)
Stick Pins
Sewing Pins to secure the sequins with
A star for the top of the tree

Here are some pictures of the supplies...

A Close up of the pins...

My advice for wrapping the tree. I wrapped the bottom of the tree once and stuck several stick pins along the yarn line to secure the first string. Then I continued to wrap around the cone. At first I tried to wrap it securely and thoroughly but in the end figured out it is easier to wrap it, leaving some gaps all the way to the top. Then, go back and rewrap the tree, wrapping all the gaps that were missed. It makes it a little more secure and textured with more dimension. 
Here is a picture of the final project on display...

P.s. Those are the same stars I used on the clay terra cota pot project found at Walmart in the cheap dollar ornament aisle. I just stuck them into the top of the styrofoam. The sequins were matched to a sewing pin with the big pin head matching the sequin. 


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