Sunday, October 23, 2011

Loves: This Week.

It's been a while since I posted about products I am loving so here they are!

My new Melaleuca Shampoo and Conditioner:
Smells delicious and makes my hair feel great!

Body Lotion that my mom gave me
Delicious smelling and good for your body
Jack's New Jumperoo
He smiles with delight over the sounds and lights!

Noodles & Company Mac n Cheese
This Week: Airborne (chewables)
Not good but helpful
 Simply Fruit Twists: Delicious!!


  1. are you into Melaluca too? I have started and I just don't know if it's right for my family. Any way to convince me it's good? And do you think you save any money ?

  2. Thats a tough one. I guess I started with the products because I liked the idea that they aren't dangerous for kids. I also liked the vitamins quite a bit. Over time I have tried most of the products that they offer. Every month I kind of grumble to spend so much money, yet I am usually buying stuff that I do need. We have considered stopping our membership but there are many things that I would rather not do without. As for saving money, I do think we were saving money because we weren't really going to the store except for groceries (which we avoid doing anyways because we hate grocery shopping haha). Now that we have a baby I find myself having to go to the store more often now so I am back into the store traps that I was avoiding. I guess do what is right for you. Melaleuca products are awesome especially if you find the ones right for you that you use. Not sure if that helps but I would guess that over time you will find products you love and would not care to replace with store products. (Ours is the toothpaste, tough and tender, no work shower spray, clear power spray) I guess there are lots. :)
