Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our year in pictures.

As my last post of 2011, I wanted to reflect on our past year. Its fun to see where we were a year ago. Already a lot has changed. Lots of new opportunities came along with blessings.

Our past year in pictures:
Still in the first trimester but reading literally 100,001 baby names to come up with the ONE name we would choose for our baby.
Image 1: Winter. Seems to be a big part of your life in February in North Dakota.   

Image 2: We also started our baby registry which I spent the next few months researching and perfecting.
BIG MONTH! We after lots of discussion decided to find out what we were having. 

Image 1: In front of Essentia Health and shows the disc from our ultrasound and the envelopes containing cards with the gender written inside.
 Image 2: Our ultrasound
Image 3: Our cake that revealed we were having a boy. This picture still gives me strong emotions!!
April: Projects Galore and an Anniversary.

Image 1: Our nursery. A huge project. April was a month of lots of projects to help prepare for our baby.
Image 2: A picture Mitch captured. It is a facebook reminder of our anniversary. :) We celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary!
Image 3: Our wedding picture from 2006 but seemed appropriate for the anniversary mention.

May: The month of fruit eating and tons of baby showers.
Image 1: I spent a lot of May eating pineapple along with other types of fruit. I had insane cravings for it and ate tons. This picture seemed appropriate! :)
 Image 2: Baby shower 1 with my family's side.
 Image 3: Baby shower 2 with my work buddies. I miss them!
Image 4: Baby shower 3 with Mitch's side of the family.
June: Summed up easily with baby classes and a babymoon.
Image 1: A picture from 6th floor of Essentia Health where we visited for baby classes and later delivered.
 Image 2: A picture in front of the Sioux Falls zoo. Our last getaway as a couple.

July: A life changing month filled with by the minute changing emotions.
August: Our life was Nuts. New baby + Busiest month of photography for Mitch = blur.
Image 1: Mitch's life for most of the month. He had booked a few weddings before we knew we were expecting and many of Fargo's biggest events happened that month in which he was obligated to shoot. Busy daddy.

Image 2: Jack in his car seat. We seemed to be on the go a lot and when Mitch had his busy weekends, Jack and I hit the road to visit my parents at their farm to get away and of course to get some help with Jack :)
September: Jack. Enough said. 
Image 1: A picture I love and we took in September.

Image 2: Jack sleeping. He did a lot of it. I tried to :)
No pictures for this but I decided to stay home with Jack rather than go back to teaching. Kind of a bittersweet decision. As a teacher you invest so much into your classroom and its hard to give it up. However, I do have a pretty great little baby to spend my days with ;)
Lastly, I met a great group of girls who I meet up with to hang out with every month. Definitely something a stay at home mom needs--a chance to get away for some girl talk. For that, I am grateful.

October: The start of Force hockey and an epic costume.
Image 1: Daddy and Jack shooting the game. Something that occurs almost every weekend from mid October- April.
Image 2: A cute costume I made for Jack that I swear became epic. I, of course, couldn't have been more pleased because come on, look at him.
November: A getaway trip to San Diego.
Mitch and I were able to get away for a few days to San Diego. Mitch shot a wedding and I relaxed. An refreshing break from my new job of mommyhood.
December: Christmas prep
Image 1: Jack as a Christmas elf, smiling because smiling is his favorite--elf :)
Image 2: Jack's Christmas Loot. The kid seriously got the whole toy store. Its fun though because he just got to the point where he likes to play with toys.

Whew! What a year!
Lucky Us!

Here's to an amazing 2012!
Cheers to the New Year!

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