Thursday, July 14, 2011

Expect the Unexpected.

This has been an emotionally exhausting past few days. I have been busy trying to sort out my emotions.

We had our doctor checkup on Tuesday (38 weeks) and suddenly the doctor was unsure if our baby was head down still. At my 36 week appt he was, so I didn't even have that thought in my mind that he could have turned. I was sent in for an ultrasound to see what was going on with Mini Bee's positioning and we saw him frank breech. (Not the typical position for delivery--Instead of head first, he is butt first with his feet up towards his head)

My doctor was out of the office the day of our ultrasound and then didn't work until late tonight so I had been stressing as to what the procedures here on out would entail. Another stressor to the situation is that my doctor is on vacation starting Saturday until the next Sunday. Perfect timing, right? So anyways, I finally got the call and after the results they concluded that they are going to try turning the baby first rather than jumping straight to a c-section. This procedure can be somewhat risky, only works sometimes and is uncomfortable for the mother. However, my doctor thinks it is the better option for me. With knowing a few things about the procedure I am kind of stressed out and hesitant. I will have to trust that my doctor knows best and is looking out for me. It just is so hard to put my faith in the hands of other people.

I have been so stressed out and feeling down that things are suddenly a little more complicated than planned. Then on the other hand, I feel guilty and selfish for feeling so down and worried when I have a healthy baby and others aren't always as fortunate-- but all these uncertainties and last minute changes are coming at a time when I thought we were on the planned route to delivery. I know, nothing goes according to plan but I just usually ask that I have a little more time to prepare for the unexpected. Especially when I am past the point in which they typically try turning the baby and oh yeah, I could go into labor at any minute.

I am sure all will be fine but I unfortunately have a hard time not worrying so please keep us in your thoughts as we go through this little journey. I hope that I have the strength to get through the procedure and that Mini Bee cooperates. The doctor will call me tomorrow to schedule my appointment but my doctor is hoping that they schedule it for either tomorrrow or Saturday. :)

I will try to keep you updated -- Thanks!


  1. Don't stress, everything will be great! That happened to my friend who had a baby right around when I did and it went well for her. The more relaxed you can be the better :) (hard I know lol)

  2. Melissa, I was just wondering how you were doing and thig blog popped up. You are strong, Mini Bee is strong and you have Mitch there for your support to face whatever you have too. I sure hope they can do this procedure on Friday so you don't have to worry another whole day. I will be keeping you close in my thoughts and to my heart as you face this unexpected challenge. Talk to you soon I hope!
