Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Guessing Game.

A little late I know, but I was holding out thinking maybe Mini Bee would have arrived so I wanted to wait to write this. Plus, with the storm last night we get our 4th of July firework show tonight--so there :)

Onto the reason for writing this...
For a little while there, I was thinking we were going to have a 4th of July baby. Looks like he is going to hold out a little longer.

I am interested in some guesses.... When do you think Mini Bee will arrive??
Feel free to guess weight, inches and anything else too :)

Some maybe / maybe not helpful details to consider:   My due date is July 25th -- I am dialated 3 cm as of last Tuesday (headed to the dr today)

So let's see those guesses (don't be shy)....
When do you think Mini Bee will arrive?!?!?!!


  1. july 8th,7lbs,4oz,7:15pm
    GOOD LUCK 2 U GUYS!!!!

  2. Don't get too excited I was 4cm and 90% effaced for over 2 weeks and i went over due... just ends in a fast delivery... Each persons body reacts so differently though. I'd say July 28th at 2:10am.

  3. Wish I knew who wrote the comment up above. I realize that I could go overdue but the doctor seems to think based on other things too that I should go before my due date. If not, its a little more motivating to hold onto the hope that I may go early. If not, I will still take a faster delivery! :)
