Thursday, November 24, 2011



This has been a great year for our family! 
So much to be thankful for...
  • Our healthy, super happy, cute baby boy Jack
  • Mitch working hard to provide for our family so that I can stay home with Jack
  • Our awesome and supportive families
  • Our friends who provide us with lots of laughter and relief from life's stresses
  • Our pets--unconditional love
  • Our house and items that help us to have a comfortable life that others aren't as fortunate to have.
  • mJoy Photography's continuous growth and the wonderful opportunities it presents to us and friendships we have made through it.
  • And I definitely have to give a shoutout to my amazing husband who has had to provide me with more support than I thought possible with me becoming a new mommy. Without him, I would have simply been lost. Such a blessing to have someone by your side through all of life's adventures.
We are beyond lucky and fortunate! 

Now onto a less serious note, I am so lucky to have found pinterest. Seriously obsessed. Can't give enough love on my blog for pinterest. Check it out... After my blog :)
Anyways, a while back someone had pinned a turkey shirt from etsy onto their "pinterest board". I saw it and knew I had to make it for Jack. So I did.

Here it is:

He will be wearing it home to the farm for the weekend to see my family. 
Can't wait to put it on him! He is going to love it I am sure!

And now with Thanksgiving over... Onto Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year.
I know what we will be listening to on our drive home :)

1 comment:

  1. you should pin the photo of his Thanksgiving turkey clothes to Pinterest... I am so addicted to that place.
