Saturday, July 30, 2011

Becoming a Mommy.

Boy is it hard to blog with a new little one. I feel like if I get a shower and all my meals eaten I am doing awesome for the day! Funny how priorities change for a new little one.

These past two weeks have been filled with an insane amount of emotions on top of a wicked learning curve. Glad to see I have made it this far and I keep hearing it gets easier as I go. Here's to progress!

Jack was weighed in today and I found out he is already 6 lbs 10 oz which means he has already passed his original birth weight. Something they hoped he would do by his two week birthdate. He seems to be a champion eater. He ate 3 oz in 15 minutes today.

Feeding was really the big struggle from the beginning. Maybe more so on my end. He hasn't seemed to be concerned or having any problems with it but I was needing constant reassurance that I was doing well, enough, the right way. Funny how you can be prepared (or so you think) and suddenly you have a baby and have no idea what to do with it. On that note, our daily routine (if that's possible) has gotten smoother throughout the week and I even ventured out on my own with Jack today. Something that I was worried about doing with him feeding so often.

From this whole experience, I have learned a few things.
  • How fascinating it can be to watch a baby make faces for minutes upon end.
  • How fast babies grow!
  • The deep love for a child even when they are demanding to be fed constantly.
  • How strong mommies can be.
  • What a rockstar hubby I have!
  • How important your hubby's support is through this whole emotional, life changing experience. There is no way I could have gotten to this point without his help. Becoming a mother is very demanding but of course So rewarding!
  • How good it feels when people swoon over your baby :)

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