Sunday, July 24, 2011

Meet Jack Mitchell.

Well I have disappeared from my blog for the past week because as many of you know, our Mini Bee made his arrival.

We went in Sunday, July 17th for the aversion to try turning him. It was an extremely uncomfortable procedure and caused lots of stress to Mini Bee, making his heart rate drop. It was a stressful experience and one I don't care to go through again. After the doctor said she wasn't able to make any movement, they asked if I wanted to have a c-section that day or schedule one. They typically do them at 39 weeks and here I was at 38 weeks, 6 days but hadn't really considered that I could have a baby within the hour!
After considering the options presented, I opted to go ahead with the c-section since I was already hooked up to the iv and admitted into the hospital. Within the half hour, I was being wheeled back into surgery and within the next 20 minutes Mitch and I fell in love with our baby boy!
Yay! He is here! :)

Meet Jack Mitchell.
Born Sunday, July 17th 2011.
19 inches--6.6 pounds

Life has been a big adjustment with a baby in the household but he is so sweet. He sleeps almost the whole day away, waking only for feedings. Mitch has been the most amazing daddy I could have ever hoped for, providing tons of support for me and helping out with Jack. We have also had lots of family help and have officially made it through a week of parenting! Feels amazing to have so much love for someone so new to us and is a relief to see life developing a routine again. 

Our little boy is very loved and got to meet lots of family this weekend. 

Life is sweet. This is definitely Joy with sweet sugar on top :)

1 comment:

  1. Such a trying story. I am glad it worked out in the end and Jack is healthy and happy. Best of luck to you....can't wait to read the blogging as Jack grows.
