Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jack the Trickster.

Whew! What a week.

It has been a team of one this week with Mitch sick. :( He hasn't been up and moving until a few days ago but still has sick symptoms so is trying to keep his distance from Jack. (Although his cute smiles make him pretty irresistible!)

I have somewhat avoided the full symptoms but have had a cold that continues to gain strength each day even with my consumption of very tart Airborne tablets.

Jack has taken to battling us at night time. It has been a bit of a rough streak. The second he is done with his bath he decides to scream and throw a fit. He gets his bottle which calms him down but then the second lights are out and he is left alone, he is furious!! The interesting part is that he mostly will fall asleep after screaming for a short while. Doable, right?

Well tonight... Not the story. He was screaming a shrill, shriek sound (feeling the spirit of Halloween, maybe? haha). We go into the room to discover what is causing this crazy scream and what do we find?

A baby who at first has a hard time opening his eyes with the light and then... A smile! A giant smile. We were so caught off guard and surprised by this "naughty" behavior at 3 months that all we could do is laugh. (I wanted to capture the smile with a camera but thought that may only provoke this behavior more...shucks)

Yep. We were had. Our 3 month old had totally suckered us.

After a few laughs and smiles, we shut the door to hear a scream again. We knew better this time and soon he fell asleep. Let's hope it lasts all night :)

Man, its hard being a parent. 
Especially hard when I swear we've got the cutest little boy ever. 
I'm not biased either :)
You be the judge...

So here's to a new week! Maybe 14 weeks old makes him a super good sleeper again :)


  1. do you do anything else after his bottle? Like listen to music while he's drinking and then leave it on or read a book? i know that sounds funny but with my 1st we always read 1 board book before the night time feeding. i am thankful that my babies did not do any amt of screaming at bed time. My MIL said 'it wasn't fair'...

  2. Thanks Kate!
    Lexie: We have a bedtime routine that has been working well for him up until the past week. We take a bath, lotion him and diaper him, put on jammies and swaddle and then bottle. A white noise heartbeat sound plays in the background. I have been considering a board book but I read those during hte day because after bath he is burnt out and frantic. A board book would not go well. It seems like he is too tired but he is already getting a bath at 7 which seems so early already. Hoping its just a phase :) He still gets upset after bath but has been laying in his crib calm the past few nights.
