Wednesday, February 2, 2011

15 weeks.

We made it to 15 weeks! I am starting to feel as though this is going to be a slow procedure. In the beginning I felt like the weeks were flying and now its... oh yeah I am still 15 weeks. Hoping once the weather gets a little nicer out time will pick up again.

Here are the details for my current checkpoint:

For the first time my baby's legs are longer than their arms. It has functioning joints on all four limbs. It is very active and wiggling around lots and soon I should start feeling it :)

Doctor Appointment Update:

We found out our baby was feeling a little stubborn yesterday. Our doctor searched for the heartbeat for a few minutes and had a hard time locating it. Instead of the heartbeat, we kept hearing the baby move away from the microphone. Because the baby was so active, its heart rate was at 153. The typical ranges are between 120-160 with 120 being closer to resting rate. Once we were able to locate the heartbeat, it stayed still for us to listen for over a minute. Hearing the heartbeat is such a soothing sound to listen to and very reassuring. The doctor mentioned that he wouldn't order us to have another ultrasound until at least 20 weeks so I guess we have a little while before we have to officially decide to find out or not. We are off the hook until then ;)

Also, I was explaining to my doctor that was I still holding onto my first due date they gave me (July 6th). He then explained that the ultrasound said July 25th and with it being done so early it was pretty accurate. Apparently the earlier you check the size of the fetus on an ultrasound the less variance there is for size. Guess I should start settling on a due date for July 25th :) 

1 comment:

  1. Hey, my due date was the 6th too but Eleanore came on the 2nd instead. I wanted the 6th since Claire is born on the 6th and 2 other grandkids of my mom's are too.
