Tuesday, February 15, 2011

17 weeks.

Wow. Sorry to have disappeared from my blog for so long. I had no idea that it had already been a week. Yikes! Let's not let that happen again....

We made it to another checkpoint!

Today we are at 17 weeks and my baby is an  ONION!!

Never have I been such a big fan of onions. Funny confession too. I usually wallpaper my desktop with whatever size fruit my baby is for the week. The lemons were refreshing, avocados a bit overwhelming but onions hmm kind of weird HAHA. In light of the reason I guess I can pull off a whole repeating wall of onions for a week.

Baby Facts:
My babys bones are now becoming hard and they have fingerprints!! So amazing! Still haven't felt any movements yet but anxiously awaiting. Just hoping that I am not missing them with the chaos of the classroom.

Well thats about all I have for tonight. I have a few hectic days of family home visits for my classroom the end of the week but then have a few vacation days next week so I will see if i can pull together some projects for the blog. No promises though :)


  1. I love what you're doing with your blog Melissa! It will be fun for you (and your child) to look back at some day. You think you will remember all the details but then you discover something called "mommy brain"... lol

  2. Thanks Renee for reading the blog and leaving comments. Always fun to see that people are reading what I write. I already feel like I forget the tiny details of pregnancy as time goes on so I can imagine it gets way harder once your attention is focused on your kids. :)
