Friday, February 25, 2011

Baby Registry.

We started a baby registry at Target today for Mini Bee as captured here on Mitch's iphone:

So... That was an experience. So many cute things and clever products. Then you start to wonder, what exactly are baby necessities? Where do you draw the line? Is a sleep sack to wrap around your baby really something that you need when a blanket could do the same trick? Then again... I think that if a product helps at all with helping our baby to sleep through the night I should maybe register for several! :)
After our attempt to register, I sought out the advice of fellow moms to help decide what we needed (thank you moms) and will be adding/subtracting from our baby registry over the next few weeks I am sure. Clearly I need to do more research. Mitch picked out some items, learned lots of new things while browsing too and enjoyed his official "registry job". Holding the scanner and scanning all wish items. Isn't that every man's job while registering?
We even got a bonus for registering: A cute little bag from Target with lots of good coupons. I love getting prizes and one for being pregnant? Yes please and thank you :)

And because every post is a little better with pictures, I will share the products that I have weeded out as non-essential... :)

The Mom/Baby Snuggie Combo

Baby High Heels (although if we do have a girl she will be decked out with a girly touch--just not these)

The Baby Mop (More like non-essential just in our household after buying 
a pomeranian and persian haha ;)

The "Po-Knee" haha

I am sensing a daddy job trend... The "Dad-dle"

See!?! I can clearly spot essential and non-essential baby items. :) HAHA