Tuesday, February 22, 2011

18 Weeks.

We have hit another checkpoint. Yesss!
Time seems as though it is starting to get faster as the weeks fly by. And yet, somehow my due date seems so far away. Even with it being so far away, I randomly will catch myself freaking out slightly about not having ONE baby thing in our house. Well wait, I did purchase an adorable bookcase for super cheap on craigslist but really that is the last thing I probably needed in regards to the baby's needs. (But who can pass up an amazing deal, right??) Anyways, I am ok with the length of time we have until baby comes since we aren't real prepared at the minute.
It's interesting through this whole baby experience so far though. I typically like to think of myself as a prepared, well planned for anything person and yet with this baby I feel super relaxed and easy going. I am not sure if I am just learning to relax and not stress out about things I can't control or because I only now am starting to get some type of ambition again after a few months of napping. Either way, I am pretty proud of myself for not cleaning the entire house by now because honestly, I always thought I was born to nest. Previous to being pregnant my husband knew when I would get into these "modes" to steer clear becuase I was on a mission to organize and clean. My two favorite activities-- that is until now when the jobs need to be done.

Some facts about our Mini Bee :)

At 18 weeks, Mini Bee is a Sweet Potato (Hmm... another odd looking wallpaper themed week it appears.)

With being 18 weeks, my baby is moving around like crazy which is what I was sensing with the belly feelings I have been experiencing lately. It will be exciting to be able to feel the movements more often just to be reminded of the wonderful transformation my body is going through. Speaking of that, its almost time for another belly shoot :) It seems as though it grew over this past weekend. I was off a few days from work with the holiday and kids and adults mentioned that it looked bigger. Who knows, maybe it was the horizontal- striped shirt I wore :)
Update on me: I am feeling great. I feel like i am more adjusted to being pregnant and getting obvious enough to show others I am pregnant. A few classroom parents of mine have recently asked when I am due so it must look like a safe enough point to assume that its a baby in there and not a bad choice of diet. haha. Even bigger plus, I have my sweet tooth back AND my appetite back. I even ate a hamburger at a restaurant the other weekend. Big deal since I hadn't really ate much for solid hamburger since November. Feels good to be able to eat food that actually fills me up again. Maybe thats why the little bugger is suddenly kicking harder ;)

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