Monday, March 7, 2011

20 weeks. And a little extra.


We have hit a major milestone!!
20 weeks!! (Halfway there!)

Today our baby is a Cantaloupe!

Growing like crazy and our mini bee does seem to be getting very active. I used to feel only movements at night but now have been feeling some all throughout the day with still the night being the most active.
The big development factor at 20 weeks is that the male/female gender parts are formed and identifiable! Good thing we have an ultrasound coming up :)

P.S. There was another big accomplishment. I made it all the way through the giant baby name book and we have a short list of names for both a boy and girl. I also started to clean out the baby's room :)

As for it all starting to seem more real....We watched the movie "Due Date" the other day. The most craziest coincidence was in the movie. Of course a lady is pregnant and due any day. Here is the scene from the movie that sums up the whole coincidence...

(Look at the name on the baby's tag. A little too close to reality...Weird huh?)

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