Friday, March 4, 2011


We had a doctor appointment today and it went well. Not much happens at these doctor appointments really but I always get so excited to have the doctor check up on Mini Bee. It feels good to be reassured everything is going alright. However it seems like the four weeks between appointments takes forever! Our next doctor checkup appointment will be in another four weeks but before that we have a very important appointment first!!!

Our ultrasound is scheduled for some point this next week. Hesitant whether to say which day since I don't want my phone going off looking for hints/answers. We are planning on doing the card approach to finding out the gender as of now. This means having the tech write the gender in a card and having the inside of a cake dyed a certain color for Mitch and I to reveal at a special time when we can celebrate and share this special moment amongst ourselves. Hopefully I can hold myself together. All this baby stuff filled with endless wonderful possibilities tends to make me emotional. For this sake I have determined it would be better for me to find out a little more about our baby to help prepare for the delivery. I am worried I will be busting with so much excitement that another bit of excitement may be more than I can handle. I don't think I will change my mind on finding out but we will see. Finding out the gender though is of course is dependent on how cooperative Mini Bee is.

Mini Bee always takes a while to decide to cooperate at our checkups now. The doctor has a hard time keeping the heartbeat detected because baby didn't want to stay still. They kept hearing lots of movement and even the doctor said it sounds like we have a very active baby! Thinking that's pretty impressive since she has listened to lots of babies. Go Mini Bee! :)

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