Tuesday, January 4, 2011

20 questions with a 4 year old.

Well back on track to a routine. First day back to work with being home sick yesterday. On antibiotics and remembering how much stamina it takes to deal with 34-4 year olds. Whew! It was so much easier dealing with being pregnant while on vacation. I could use the bathroom and snack whenever I felt the need.

So it seems as though my belly is growing by the day and when all my class kids give me hugs, their heads seem to rest right on it. They don't say anything but I feel as though it must be a little more comfortable because the hugs seem to last longer. Ahh how I love unasked for hugs from kids.
One child though points to my belly and says "Baby?" I said yes there is a baby in there. He then says "Can I see?". I explained to him that my baby is still growing yet and it can't come out for a long time. He then quizzed me to see if I was going to the doctor. I reassured him yes and then he wondered what the babys name was. I said I wasn't sure yet but what did he think I should name him? He simply said one word. The word he said was his name. Awww.
Just what every teacher thinks of doing. Naming their baby after a child from their class. HAHA I feel as a teacher there are many names I couldn't pick after the experiences certain names have provided.
I thought it was a sweet suggestion but not sure I would need a daily reminder forever of that particular child. I couldn't help but to smile and laugh a little at the suggestion. So sweet.
How funny a game of 20 questions can be with a four year old. Reasons like this are why I love my job and the kids in my class.

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