Sunday, January 16, 2011

Baby = ?? 's

No fear. The Christmas decorations are officially stripped down in my house. This led me onto a new adventure. Mission baby.

Now that the reality is starting to set in that we are going to have a baby we are starting to evaluate a few things. Two big questions have come to a head lately....

#1: Do we find out the sex of the baby or not?
I am torn on this because I always said I would like to be surprised and I even have had a gender neutral nursery theme picked out for a while. However, when thinking about all the items we are going to need for this baby I become overwhelmed. I am a planner and like to be prepared for as much as possible. With needing all these items, I know my family and baby showers will be a huge help for preparing us for a baby. With that though, I would like my shower guests to have fun picking out gender specific outfits rather than buying everything yellow/green. It is also fun when showing off your new bundle if they are clearly defined through their clothes as to what gender they are. Let's face it, if we have a little girl she is going to be girly girled out :) Another thing I wonder with finding out... Would this baby bump become more of a close personal experience knowing what it contained? Right now I say he likes this but what if its a girl? But I dont think it is any better to say "it". That doesnt' seem very nice. I guess time will tell as to whether or not we find out. We do have a few weeks before we have to decide....

Onto the second big dilemma....
#2: The great name debate.
Picking out a baby's name is such an important and personal experience. The name you pick is one that you will hear/see forever and something that I think determines your baby's personality and sometimes life experience.This is what I have been studying for the past few nights....

Basically, if it isn't in here, it doesn't exist because this book has every name you could make up. Wish me luck as we study the giant baby book of names....

If I am not blogging for a few nights, you will know why ;)


  1. I have been thinking about your dilemma for a couple of weeks now and even questioned my own choice to find out the gender this time around. All I can say is, it is an amazing surprise and feeling you will have if you wait until delivery to learn the sex of your child. There is so much anticipation and wonder involved in it, no matter what you decide to do, so be prepared for the overwhelming gush of emotions you will experience in that moment and know your life will be forever changed! Now the great name debate... we looked at the books and online and took our own ideas into account and made lists. We looked at the list and made cuts, then we put it away for some time and when we pulled it out we had more names to add and more we just knew weren't right. Then we put it away again, we did that until we found the one girl name and one boy name we liked. Maybe that will work for you? Or at least make things a little less overwhelming! As for the nursery... if you want it to be really boy or really girl... have 2 bedding sets and things picked out and then go out and get them after baby comes. That is so hard to do but whatever! We have a gender neutral room and I love it because it is fun and we won't have to change it much if we are blessed with a baby boy this time around.

  2. Awesome suggestions. I still dont know if we are going to find out or not. It was pretty much split down the middle as to wait or not but lots of the find out people were my siblings. I just wonder if I will lose some of the suspense and excitement by finding out. At the same time I wonder if i will be less stressed if I know what is coming so that I can prepare. I think we have a few names picked out but I am slowly working through the giant name book. I think around G/H in the girls haha. Haven't gotten to the boys. I feel like we have a longer time to decide on names at least. Thanks for the advice. I will take any other insight you have :)
