Thursday, January 20, 2011

A dose of the best medicine: Laughter.

Well I found out the other extreme to my emotions tonight. I thought when you were pregnant you were just more apt to cry easily (which yes is true). However, tonight I found out the flipside of feeling sad. I had a laughing fit like I have never had before! The last few weeks I have noticed that I find things easily funny and have a bigger laugh at times (maybe due to the big belly haha). But tonight I completely lost my sanity.
Here is what happened and you be the judge of whether or not it was really that funny. Guessing it would have been better if you had been there yourself...

So my husband and I had to make an after hours money deposit at the bank because they were already closed. The drop box is at the window drive up so we pull into the little drive through. He places the car in park and cracks the door to realize he is too far away. He shifts the car out of park and says "I don't know if I can make it". At this same time I see the car slowly rolling and hear the engine starting to slowly build up to a loud roar. He looks down to realize we are in neutral. Of course he drives ahead and we drop the money but I could only imagine what the car next to us was thinking!! There was just something about that sequence of events in which he said "I dont know if I can make it" and hearing him putting the petal to the metal that made me ballistic. I mean I was laughing so hysterically that my laugh was so distorted and I honestly didn't know if the air was going in or out. This in turn made him laugh so hard that he couldn't see to drive. Never have I experienced laughing to this magnitude but it was a good time. Definitely a memorable moment between the two of us (and maybe the guy that was in the atm drive through next to us)

Tonight we also did another baby bump photoshoot to update the last series of shots we did several weeks ago. Our photoshoots should get a little more regular now that I am starting to grow with each week and honestly we quit for a while with the due date confusion getting moved around. Hopefully I will be able to post those pictures within the next few days. Mitch has a few other projects he is working on that need to be completed first.

To finish, I thought I would share a funny comment from one of my four year olds in my class today.
The conversation went like this:                   
Me: So James*, you are going to Texas in a few days right? Are you going to go in your car to get there or fly?
James: *with the craziest look on his face        "I don't know how to fly!"
Oh how literal young kids are! Too funny. Just seemed like lots of things were striking me funny today. If its the pregnancy talking, we can look forward to many more months of this :)

* names have been changed

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