Tuesday, January 11, 2011

And We Got a Plum...

Its official... I have reached the 12 week point. Woo Hoo! I know what some of you may be thinking. Wasn't she 12 weeks a few weeks ago? Well thats what I thought until my last doctors appointment when he casually said I was about 10 weeks along. I said "what?" "I am 13 weeks." Then he showed me the ultrasound from a few weeks previous showing that I indeed was not as far as they first predicted. Long story short. I am 12 weeks today rather than 15 (my original thought).
At the doctor appointment, I was reassured that the baby is healthy from the ultrasound and we even got to hear the heartbeat. Pretty surreal! I can't wait for my next ultrasound pictures now that it will look more like a baby.

Here are some facts about our mini bee.

At 12 weeks, our baby is the size of a plum. (love the fruit comparison)

Almost all of our baby's systems are full developed. Baby has vocal cords and is starting to develop fingernails! So amazing that something so tiny can be so intricately developed.

Such an exciting time although to help document my journey I have come up with a list of things I could do without at this point of my pregnancy...

  • Late evening hugging sessions with my toilet. Over it! 
  • Being able to eat more meat/protein to hold my hunger over longer rather than being grossed out by it. This has slowly been getting better. (Irony Example #1)  
  • Swallowing my fish oil pill vitamins. The one kind gives me indigestion and the other kind is supposed to help with that however is really big and stinky which therefore gets me queasy while trying to swallow. Those of you who have been pregnant and had the gag reflex thing going know this is trouble.
  • Restless nights. I swear I can only sleep once it gets close to my alarm clock wake up time.I miss being able to sleep all night for so long and take naps without them affecting my sleep schedule. So tired all the time and yet can't sleep. (Irony example #2)

    I do love however that I can brush my teeth and tongue without gagging until I throw up. Definitely an improvement because lets face it, brushing til I puke defeated the whole teeth brushing idea.

    Hoping that in the next week I will be doing more blogging. I really intended not to be a deadbeat blogger because I know how frustrating it is when you check blogs and nothing is updated. I hope my ambition will be building but honestly I have had not one ounce of ambition the past few weeks. Its actually painful to try to complete a task. Those of you who know me, know this is not typical. Here is an embarassing confession to document how sluggish I have been... shhh! (my christmas trees and decorations are still up) So out of control. I will try hard to complete the task this weekend. We'll see how I do. I do have a few days off of work this week and next making a long weekend. Wish me luck ;)


  1. did you get your Christmas stuff put away? and i'm glad you are feeling better, I didn't have any negative reactions to anything while pregnant and I don't know what you're going through, but glad the symptoms are lighting up.

  2. I definitely know that I could have had worse symptoms but only it still is hard not remembering what it was like to feel good in a day. I finally am feeling somewhat normal again. Just starving all the time but that is tolerable as long as there is food around :) I did get the Christmas decorations taken down. We had a photoshoot this morning so I had a deadline in which the house had to be cleaned and decorations had to be put away. Thank goodness for that!
