Wednesday, April 27, 2011

27 Weeks + 26 week Belly Shots.

One more week down, only 13 weeks to go.

Better yet.....

I have entered the third trimester!!! (holy smokes, right?)-- that's what I am saying!

Mini Bee is still an eggplant.

Baby Development:
Mini Bee's lungs are going through some major developments these days, which (combined with the opening of previously plugged nostrils) means he's now able to practice inhaling and exhaling. The lack of air inside of me means that every breath is filled with amniotic fluid, but hey--its progress! 

Dr Checkup Notes:
  • Mini Bee's heartbeat was high 150's. Slightly lower than other times but she said it's probably because its getting tighter inside for him so he can't get his heart rate as high. Still in the healthy range for heartbeats though so don't worry. 
  • Dr. mentioned that my belly is measuring under where it should be at this point. No concern but will be monitoring it. I said that I was flattered ;) Especially since this past week it seems to have popped. 
  • Was given my rhogam shot (because of my blood type), managed to choke down the icky orange sugar juice to check my glucose levels and then let them take a few tubes of blood. Sometimes I think all this stuff is just to prepare you for childbirth because its not really pleasant experiences...

Still the following... (+ oranges)

I think it may have gotten worse. I can't seem to cut myself off of the pineapple lately. It just seems so extra sweet and juicy lately! Never mind that my tastes buds get completely burned off but I think I have built them up to tolerate the acid because it hasn't been happening the last few nights.

Mommy Symptoms: I have been extremely tired this week. I am glad that I only have a few more weeks of school because my body has been feeling heavier as the days go on and let's face it... Some of the tasks as a preschool teacher are getting difficult. Example: Tying kids shoes ALLL the way on the floor. Sitting in chairs made for little people (the tummy doesn't have it) And honestly just standing on my feet haha. I feel like a whiner but honestly trying to adapt to a giant tummy and weight gain this fast is hard to adjust to. Just a few more weeks....

This week's purchases:
Not much was purchased because we had one of our baby showers and received lots of awesome stuff. Will have to blog about that maybe tomorrow. (Just got the pictures from my sister today)
We did however get our baby jogger city mini on Monday!! Its awesome and I am so excited to use it. We gave the stroller a few pushes around the driveway and the store but resisted from (and you may find this to be surprising) but no animals were strapped down and made to ride in it. HAHA.

Now for the belly shot which seems so long ago....
It seems like the weeks are flying by and we have been so busy that the pictures aren't coming out fast enough.

My 26th week belly bump shoot.... (p.s. I think I popped this past 27 week mark so it will be bigger on the next shoot)

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