Friday, April 8, 2011

Dr. Check Up(date) with videos :)

My doctor today reviewed what the ultrasound had found out. It was all good reports!! Yay!
A summary of the results:

Mini Bee may not be that mini. He is in the 55% for his weight which means he weighs a little more than average in weight but nothing to be concerned about.

Of course he was very active for the heartbeat check. Has he ever been anything different? Nope :) Heart rate in the 150's. When they scan my tummy it seems to make him rebel because I can always feel him kickin back at the monitor that is cramping his space!

All of the organs and limbs checked out healthy!

Update on Me:

My bump was measured for the first time and came in at 21 inches. No idea really what that means except that there is a baby bump :) Lots of my preschool parents recently have been asking if I am expecting because they just noticed a bump this week. Its flattering that they care enough to ask and that they are noticing but then again I think....My stomach has not always been like this HAHA.

I will not disclose how much weight I have gained but the doctor said it is at a healthy amount so far and not to worry. So odd how before if you gained 5 lbs that was so much and now you can put that on in a few weeks or less.

Like I say, all blog posts are more interesting with pictures. Here are some more exclusive pictures from our last ultrasound (20 weeks).

A picture of his pipes

Some videos showing how much he moves!

This one--- The 1,2 Punch (to my tummy)

His whole body being very active!

Isn't it awesome what they can do with technology today? I felt like I got so much closer to our baby seeing him move and seeing all his mini baby parts.

Our big dilemma this week is trying to figure out what stroller to get. I have been doing some research and have narrowed it down... I am seriously considering the baby jogger city mini or city select. I swear I have spent so many hours the past few nights trying to find the best deals and read research..... Any insight?

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