Saturday, April 2, 2011

Music Dilemma.

So as I am preparing for a new baby, I am finding myself wondering how easy it will be to do some of my regular daily activities. Having a baby is going to be a big lifestyle adjustment...

This brought me to a question I thought of today as I was driving in my car...

So I have a confession. I love music and it has been a big part of my life forever (thank you mom and dad). I love all types of music but occasionally need some rap to pick my spirits up. It isn't always the cleanest language type music but I like the beat and rhythm of it. Seems to get me going. Now as I was listening to "Teach Me How to Dougie" in my car today I started to think whether or not my rap music listening days were numbered. I am not sure I would feel comfortable listening to rap with a baby in the backseat. Hmm...

Some solutions...

1. Get the edited version?
2. Listen only to Kidz Bop (Yeah, right. Absolutely not!)
3. Keep pondering the question and until then keep listening to it :)

Here is the video to the song I have been jammin to lately. Something catchy about it.

Or maybe we could just purchase a "Swagger Wagon". Maybe this vehicle would make the music more appropriate. This video too one of my favorites and really catchy (unfortunately). :)

1 comment:

  1. I would say the "Swagger wagon' is quite catchy too... and I know what you mean about music. And I have wondered too if i would listen to some of the stuff I listen to.
