Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mommy Brain / Mr. Clean

Ok so being pregnant I have heard of this '"mommy brain" phenomena. I didn't think it would strike me (kind of like morning sickness, the puke on my toothbrush, and get nauseous easily phenomenas). It seems as though we all fall victim to the dreaded symptoms of pregnancy at some point. The mommy brain has struck. I have noticed it a few random times previously but tonight may have been the worst. This was even after a nap! Yikes. :)
Rewind a few hours into my night. Mitch and I have been super busy and honestly I have been too tired to tend to the house. It was a disaster. No pictures to document. Lame, I know but I can only be so honest.
After work, I race home so that I could take a nap and found myself walking into a *gasp Clean House!! YES-- Super hubby came to visit!! (Don't get me wrong, my husband is pretty awesome but cleaning the house is a whole nother level, especially dealing with how messy it was) I was so excited that my husband took one less thing off my to-do list and it made me feel so much more energized. (No worries--a nap was still taken) p.s. Thank you Mitch!
This new energy gave me ambition to take on some projects since my list is heaping! This is where the mommy brain kicks in. I could not seem to find tons of random supplies I had but seemed to misplaced recently. Then I was making a gift for someone and yep completed the entire project to realize I did it wrong. HAHA Honestly at this point it was just humorous because I am usually so on top of stuff and to be so absent minded is just ridiculous. A few projects were completed tonight (gifts, so no pictures) but it wasn't the most efficient night. Needless to say, I am going to need another night to work.
As I go to post this I am crossing my fingers that this all even makes sense. I just re-read it and realized I had lots of errors. If this entry doesn't make sense, I plead the mommy brain. Please excuse it.
Here's to Friday and hoping this energy stays with me through the weekend (and my mental sharpness returns)! 
One last thing to honor my blog rule.. Here's a photo that showcases my hardcore paint program skills. 
My hero for the day: Mr. (Mitch) Clean :)

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