Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Closet Dividers.

I finally finished those projects I have been mentioning. I think I am in semi-nesting mode because I have been so productive even after a full day of work lately. Here is one of the products of my nesting!

Closet Size Dividers

Here is the inspiration/ template for my creation.

Taken from: http://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifehack/make-your-own-closet-rod-dividers.html

Supplies I Used:
Foam Sheets
Lid to a Vitamin Bottle
Glue Gun
Packing Tape (if doing the same design)

Step 1: Cut the foam to fit the original door hanger template.
Step 2: Find a lid to fit in the template circle and twist it leaving an imprint on the foam so that you know where to cut the circle at. (I used two sheets of foam/hanger to make it a little sturdier)
Step 3: Here are all of the dividers cut: 2 sheets/ color,
Step 4: I found some clip art on the computer and cut it out to fit my divider. Then covered it with packaging tape to help protect it from bleeding or tearing.  I also found some paper numbers to glue on for sizes. The color strip and numbers were hot glued on.

Final Product:
In Use:

Tomorrow I will show the other personalization I have done to the closet and show off the whole organizer that we setup a few weeks ago. Check back for updates :)