Friday, June 3, 2011

Baby Classes.

Mitch and I are a few steps closer to being ready for this mini bee to make his appearance. Last night we attended our first baby class and the topic was breastfeeding. This is a topic that makes me kind of nervous because it is important to me but it seems like lots of moms have problems with it. After attending the class I felt like I was set up for success. The hospital I will be delivering at, Essentia Health, really seems to have a good support team for breastfeeding. I felt good knowing that someone will be there to help me and will follow up even after I return home with baby.
Tonight we had the first of two sessions for Lamaze. The first information kind of freaked me out initially talking about how far you dialate and watching birthing videos. Not new information, especially with the degree I received from college, however the information is a little more pertinent when you have a baby inside of you and it needs to come out someway soon.
The best part of lamaze tonight was when the instructor had our partners practice the different massages on us to keep us comfortable during labor. Awesome! I should be in good hand.
The most touching thing that happened tonight at Lamaze though was hearing two different lullabies go off during our session. At the hospital, they play a lullaby every time a baby is born. Hearing the lullaby made me realize that in less than two months, we would be hearing a lullaby play signaling to the (hospital) world that our baby had arrived. It was so exciting and so real to think about and amazing to think that two babies were born while we were talking about our own child's birth.
Mitch has been holding up well during the classes. I wasn't sure what he would think about all the information with it being so female anatomy oriented but he seems to be taking in a lot of information which makes me that much more reassured that he will be helpful to me during delivery. It's awesome to see him involved with every aspect of this pregnancy. He was one of few dads at the breastfeeding class and I was glad he agreed to come because in my mind it will still take teamwork and support from him for me to be successful. Major points for him! :)
It just makes me love him that much more and know that he is going to be an awesome daddy!
Now some comics/cartoons to make the post even more entertaining...

This comic reminds me of something funny tonight. The instructor was explaining how one of the pre-labor signs can be if the mother starts nesting (i.e. making lists, cleaning, having stuff in order). My husband the smart-alec raises his hand and asks the instructor, "What if she has been doing that for the past nine months?" 
All I can say is I hope our mini bee gets his witty sense of humor :)

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking the same thing that Mitch said, you have been nesting all along!!!
